Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fast Week

There's not a whole lot to say this week, other than that it flew by.

It started off a bit rough. I missed my 9:30am class on Monday because my insomnia has caught back up to me. I didn't finally fall asleep Sunday "night" until about 6:45am. Facebook and music'll do that to a person.

The rest of my classes went well. Aced yet another piano class quiz, had easy assignments in psychology, and I feel pretty good about the political science exam that I took on Thursday. Guitar class, which is normally held on Thursday nights, was cancelled, so I drove home to Vevay that night. I stayed until today (Sunday) which explains the one day delay on this post! It's always good to see the family and the dogs. Vevay's not too bad itself, either.

We had some decent storms this week. I honestly didn't even know that storms were expected until half-inch hail was pounding at my window. Heavy rain, hail, and the occasional lightning strike. It was a good storm, but it had a very short life.

Overall, I'd give this week a B-. It was decent. Positive: it flew by, meaning I'm one step closer to Spring Break (starts the 26th!) and to Summer Vacation (no idea when that starts). Negative: it flew by, meaning nothing interesting happened. Oh well. It's good to have calm, uninteresting weeks every now and then, I guess.

And now, lyrics from "High Hopes":
Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied.
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon,
Though down this road we've been so many times.

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