Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Nice (but fast) Spring Break

I didn't do much this week, so there won't be a whole lot to talk about. Also, sorry for missing last Sunday--I'm not really sure what happened. Not much went on that week either, though, so you didn't miss out on much.

I went home to Vevay for a few days this week and got a 'new' haircut. The actual cut isn't much different from what I normally get, but it allows me to do some new hair styles. I'm wearing my hair in a part to the left for a few days to see how I like that. Might change it up a bit depending on what I can do. But anything I do will be far from how it used to be.

For those of you who don't know, I started writing a fiction/fantasy book in the middle of March. Progress has gone well. I'm at about 21.6 thousand words, and the story feels really solid to me. I'd like to be done with the overall story by the end of the summer, but you never know what'll happen. I guess time will tell.

Wow. That's it. Two paragraphs this week, and they're not even technically full ones. Oh well.

I'll give this week a B-. It was pretty average, but it's always nice to go home and see the family and dogs. New haircuts aren't bad, either.

Here are some lyrics from "Learning to Fly"
"There's no sensation to compare with this,
Suspended animation, a state of bliss.
Can't keep my mind from the circling skies,
Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fast Week

There's not a whole lot to say this week, other than that it flew by.

It started off a bit rough. I missed my 9:30am class on Monday because my insomnia has caught back up to me. I didn't finally fall asleep Sunday "night" until about 6:45am. Facebook and music'll do that to a person.

The rest of my classes went well. Aced yet another piano class quiz, had easy assignments in psychology, and I feel pretty good about the political science exam that I took on Thursday. Guitar class, which is normally held on Thursday nights, was cancelled, so I drove home to Vevay that night. I stayed until today (Sunday) which explains the one day delay on this post! It's always good to see the family and the dogs. Vevay's not too bad itself, either.

We had some decent storms this week. I honestly didn't even know that storms were expected until half-inch hail was pounding at my window. Heavy rain, hail, and the occasional lightning strike. It was a good storm, but it had a very short life.

Overall, I'd give this week a B-. It was decent. Positive: it flew by, meaning I'm one step closer to Spring Break (starts the 26th!) and to Summer Vacation (no idea when that starts). Negative: it flew by, meaning nothing interesting happened. Oh well. It's good to have calm, uninteresting weeks every now and then, I guess.

And now, lyrics from "High Hopes":
Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied.
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon,
Though down this road we've been so many times.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Nice Week

This was a nice week.

It was calm, fair-weathered and quick. What more could you ask for?

This Tuesday was the birthday of two people who are close to me in this world--both for very different reasons. My good friend Zach Magon celebrated his 21st birthday this year. Happy birthday, Zach--and I feel that I must say a congratulations for having lived this long! We've done some stupid stuff in our day. March 6th also marks the birthday of my favorite guitarist and all-around idol, David Gilmour. The former member of Pink Floyd has always inspired me as a guitarist, and, as of late, as a humanitarian. He celebrates his 66th birthday this year.

Now, some of you may know that I am somewhat of a Star Trek fan. Specifically The Next Generation. Last summer, I made a goal to watch all of the episodes (176) through all seven seasons. Well, I finished this week! I watched the final, 94 minute episode this Wednesday. Now all I have to do is watch all the movies!

Some upsetting news for loyal Indiana sports fans came this week. Peyton Manning is leaving the Colts. It has been talked about since his injuries, but honestly I had lost track. I didn't pay attention to football at all this season. It still surprises me, though. Manning had a very successful 14-year run with the Indianapolis Colts, and I feel he ended it on a good note. I just hope he doesn't become the next Brett Favre.

The Doomsday Year seems to be a good one, at least, in terms of upcoming games. Halo 4 is the biggest release on my radar at the moment. I thought Reach looked great, but 4 is looking even better. Updated matchmaking, new forge, continuing the story of Master Chief--it should be interesting!

I give this week a B+, for its good quality and overall lack of bad news. I've enjoyed good weather, the celebration of birthdays, and finishing a series in its entirety. I hope you've all had at least a B+ week, too!

And now, lyrics from Have a Cigar:
Come in here, dear boy,
Have a cigar, you're gonna go far.
You're gonna fly, you're never gonna die
You're gonna make it if you try,
They're gonna love you.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Rough Week

What a week we've had.

What this week meant for most IUS students was mid-term exams. Exams don't stress me out all that much, but they make the week last so much longer. After my final class on Thursday, I was extremely ready for the weekend to come. Some good came out of it, though--the psychology exam, which I thought I did bad on, actually scored a 92%. I was pleasantly surprised to see that, to say the least!

The heavy workload of the week was alleviated a bit from an event we had in our lodge. On Thursday night, the Woodland CA's hosted a "Personal Pizza" event, where lodge members could construct their own pies in the great room. Steven and I had a hard time getting the dough off of the wax paper.. so we made a calzone! It was a tasty way to end the school week.

And now, onto what has captured most of our attention this week. The tornado that swept across south-central Indiana, leaving nothing but devastation. The tornado has been estimated to have either been an EF-4 (166-200mph gusts possible) or an EF-5(200+mph gusts). I tried to comprehend that speed in my head after I heard that, and it was impossible. To witness such an incredible aspect of nature must be terrifying.

The same tornado traveled over 30 miles. It originated in New Pekin, went through Henryville, Marysville, and Chelsea before reportedly crossing the Ohio River into Kentucky, where it finally dissipated just south of Milton.

I rode with my roommate Steven up to Henryville about an hour after the storm to observe the damage. We weren't allowed up the exit ramp, but what I could see from I-65 was still shocking. It was the kind of damage you'd expect from a hurricane. Signs on the overpass were blown over, several cars and a semi had been blown off the road, with their windshields smashed in by the flying debris. No billboards remained standing in the area. From what I've seen on the news, downtown Henryville is multiple times worse than that.

Overall, I will have to grade this week with a D-. None of my stories really matter after the storm. The reason it's not an F is because the recent destruction serves as a very sobering reminder of the power of Mother Nature. I've wanted to see a tornado my whole life, but after yesterday, I've decided I can wait a few more years.

I end this with the lives of those people affected in mind. People who lost homes. People who lost their loved ones. People who lost their pets. People who lost their lives. And those people who continue to recover in hospitals.

And now, a link to Great Gig in the Sky,  which has no lyrics.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Special post - Reminiscing

This is a special post, intersecting the scheduled weekly post.

A few years ago, Phillip Bentle and I would frequently go to Zach Magon's house and fool around on the guitar. I couldn't honestly call it jamming, because nothing ever got done. We'd sit around for an hour or two, try to pick out songs, and give each other a hard time (especially Phil). If I had known how much I would miss that crazy, chaotic mess that we called music, I'd have done it every day.

So this goes out to Zach and Phillip, my brothers from other mothers. I'd give anything to go back to those days. Man Scouts forever!

And now some lyrics from Time:
"Tired of lying in the sunshine,
Staying home to watch the rain.
But you are young, and life is long,
And there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you,
No one told you where to run.
You've missed the starting gun."

First post!

Hello world! I'll be posting here weekly, probably on Saturdays or Sundays. I'll leave some brief details of the days that made up the week--hopefully at least some of it will be interesting! What you should expect mostly are stories involving lots of sarcasm. And, I mean, lots of sarcasm.

Also, Pink Floyd is my favorite band.. so I think I'll leave a quote from a different song at the end of each post. Yeah, that sounds nice. Oh, and a YouTube link to the song, in case you're curious.

See you in a few days!

And now, here are some lyrics from Fat Old Sun:
"When that fat old sun in the sky is falling,
Summer evening birds are calling.
Children's laughter in my ears,
The last sunlight disappears."